Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Email: A suggestion denied

Well, I managed to think up the F2 editor about 5 years too soon

Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 16:18 -0800
From: "Fallout2" fallout2@interplay.com
To: "Kargos Bloodspitter" kargos@rocketmail.com
Subject: Re: Map Editor Idea

Sorry, the editor will not be released. Maybe
sometimes far in the future after the game is a
relic. ;)

Team Fallout

You wrote:
This is just a suggestion so tell me if it sounds
stupid, but I think there should be a City Maker with
F2. After I finished playing Fallout 1 from about
every angle (Good/Evil) (Man/Woman) (Barter/Fighter)
Etc, I got kinda bored, and I thought it would be
great if we could create our own locations on the
map. A player would place the bitmaps, make the map
layout, script the important NPCs (for the commons
there would be a generic script) and place it into
the Fallout world, or have a clean map for one to
work on. Maybe there could even be an option to bring
in your own bitmaps. Players could then create their
own worlds. It would greatly increase the replay
value of the game, even if it did delay it, or it
could be implemented as an Add-on pack.